Our Company’s Corporate Policies: Dividend Policy

The profit distribution policy of our company has been determined in line with the Turkish Commercial Code in a way that will enable the Board of Directors to foresee the distribution procedures and principles of the profits to be obtained in the future periods and to ensure the continued financial growth of our company.

  1. Principally; Taking into account the financial statements prepared in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code, Tax Laws, international accounting standards, Tax Legislation and the Uniform Chart of Accounts Regulations and Decisions published by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Turkiye, Capital Markets Legislation, SPKn., CMB Regulations and Decisions. The portion of the “net distributable profit for the period” calculated accordingly, corresponding to at least 10% of the issued capital, may be subject to profit distribution.
  2. If it is desired to distribute more than 10% of the issued capital from the “net distributable profit for the period” calculated within the scope of Article 1, the financial statements of our Company, its financial structure and investment plans, the general economic outlook and the market are determined in determining the profit distribution ratio conditions are taken into account.
  3. The net distributable profit for the period calculated according to the legal records kept within the scope of the Turkish Commercial Code and Tax Laws is calculated according to the 1st article;
    a. If it is low, the “net distributable profit for the period” calculated according to the legal records kept within the scope of this article is taken into account and all of it is distributed,
    b. If it is high, action is taken following the 2nd article.
  4. In case “net distributable profit for the period” does not occur according to the legal accounting records kept within the scope of the Uniform Chart of Accounts (“General Communiqué on the Application of the Accounting System”) published by the Tax Legislation and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Turkiye, the Capital Markets Legislation, SPKn., CMB Regulations and Resolutions. Profit distribution may not be made appropriately.
  5. If the calculated net distributable profit for the period is below 5% of the issued capital, profit distribution may not be made.
  6. Investments that require a significant fund outflow to increase the share value of the Company, important issues affecting its financial structure, important uncertainties and problems in the economy, markets or other areas beyond the control of the Company, in making profit distribution decisions, the amount of profit distribution and profit distribution. taken into account in determining the ratio. In this case, even if the “net distributable profit for the period” base is formed, profit distribution may not be made or it may be proposed to distribute the profit at a lower amount and rate than the amount and rate calculated according to the criteria stated above.
About Us

Our company name reflects our core values and our history. Our name roots are from Tenekecioglu Nuri Ozsoy who was one most common gutter suppliers in the Aegean region of Turkiye.

Tenecekioglu is we’ll known for his straightforward attitude, humble lifestyle, and honesty during the 1900’s. He is Grand Grandfather of our owner Mr. H. Can Unsalan. Our business ethics and values reflect our positive spirit towards honest, integrity, wisdom, and freedom.

Our main goal is to make Tenekecioglu name eternal with sustainable growth, reliability, and reputation. We do our best for our planet, economies and most important people.